about a baby...

... all the xavier that's fit to print [and some that's not!]

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Words Xavier Says (or mumbles)

xavier seems to picking up a word or two a day now... here's what he knows so far

[disclaimer: over here we consider words to be any sound he makes consistenly in response to the same stimulus and sounds remotely like the actual words. for example, train actually sounds like "CHHHraaaaaaaaaiiii"]

thank you, bubbles, juice, train, eat, dog, ball, butt, ewwwww... (when I change his diaper, wonder where he picked that up?), diaper, bird, banana, stop, phone, keys, hot, bath, teeth, up, down, shayne, pee pee, and, i really don't want to admit this but he says DEXTER!!


  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiffany! I just found your guestbook entry on my webshots site. Now i can stalk xavier and watch his progress from afar! I had a great time meeting you as well, and I hope that we'll be able to get together soooon!


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